miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

Crossing ch2 “My Name Is Not Cool Anymore” by Mohammed Naseehu Ali.

Discussion Questions:
What is the origin of the author’s name? Why did he drop his middle name after coming to America? Would you choose to do the same if you were on his position?
The author’s name is Mohammed Naseehu Ali; his name originated from the holy prophet of Islam, almost every male is named after the famous prophet, his middle name which is Naseehu means “the sincere one”. The reason that he dropped his middle name is because when he came to the United States the middle name didn’t really matter, he was always called by his first name and he liked it because ha had the same name as the famous American boxer.
What initial advantages did the writer enjoy by adapting the new version of his name?
The writer had some advantages, due to his name, people would be surprised when he was to tell them his name “Mohammed”, and many people would be impressed because it was sort of an honor to have the same name as the famous boxer.
Why does he say his name is not cool anymore? What was lost in his name after 9/11?
He claims that his name is not cool anymore because of what happened on 9/11, the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center were Arab and one of them were named Mohammed Atta, because of this people would call his house and leave disturbing messages on the answering machine, he also had to show identification when he wanted to send money to Ghana because some though that he was trying to support terrorism. After 9/11 he lost the coolness that many though his name had, it no longer reminded people of a famous boxer but it reminded them of terrorist who had changed the life of may for worst.
How does the essay end? What is the author’s tone in his conclusion? How well do you think he handles his name issue?
The essay ends by the author showing a badge, which is kind of ironic; his tone in the conclusion of the story is as if he still has hope on his name being cool, he likes the fact that some people could still think of “the legend” not a terrorist. I think he handles the situation in a very good way, since he doesn’t change it, even though he thinks about it. In my opinion is good that he kept it since it’s a definition of who he is.
What cultural assumptions of Americans does this essay reflect? What do you think causes the hostility and inconveniences Mohammed faces?
The cultural assumption that this passage reflects is that because of what happened on 9/11 many of us when we hear the name “Mohammed” could automatically think terrorism, even if the person is a child or an innocent old men, the fact is that most of us will fall into a rapid conclusion. What causes the hostility that Mohammed faces is the fact that when he mentions his name to any American they would give him a weird look or some would leave him unpleasant messages on his answer machine only because of his name.

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