martes, 10 de julio de 2007

New Yorkers Ch1 John Steinbeck
Discussion Questions:
1. What were Steinbeck’s early impressions of NY? Why does the author claim that his first job “nearly killed me and probably saved my life”?
Steinbeck’s early impressions of NY were frightening; it kind of scared him to see the tall buildings and the shining lights. The author claims that his first job “nearly killed me and probably saved my life” since all he did was worked and didn’t really know what was going on around him, there could have been danger around him and he wasn’t aware of it because he was so busy working. It also could have save him since that was the only source of him making money for his own needs and that’s what he needs to survive.
2. Why does Steinbeck makes such a poor reporter at first? What does this say about his personality?
Steinbeck makes such a poor reporter at first because he had no knowledge about what a reporter does; also he had reports that he had to cover in Queens and Brooklyn and since he didn’t know his way around he would get lost. Steinbeck claims that “I couldn’t learn to steal a picture from a desk when a family refused to be photograph and I invariably got emotionally involved and tried to kill the whole story to save the subject.” What this shows about his personality is that he is humble but even though he is humble he still has pride to stick to his believes.
3. Why didn’t author accept his girlfriend’s suggestion to work in advertising?
The author didn’t accept his girlfriend’s suggestion to work in advertising because he was considering himself as a poor artist and he was trying to protect his integrity.
4. What were the challenges the author faced as “the city crept in”?
The challenges that the author faced as the city crept in was the fact that he faced reality, he was looking for jobs but couldn’t find any, and he was late on paying the rent. Steinbeck was also scared to go out and having to face the people, he had to loan money from friends.
5. What is different about Steinbeck’s status upon his return to the city after living out west? What are the new challenges he faces and how does he react to them?
Steinbeck’s status upon his return to the city after living out west is as him becoming a wealthy man; he started to make more money. He knows that one of the challenges that he had to face was the fact of him making more money than what he was used to and had to face a new life, he liked simplicity and with money that would disappear.
6. Why does the author use the word “assault” to describe his two New York experience?
The author use the word “assault” to describe the two New York experiences because every time he is in New York something always bothers him ort scares him. Steinbeck knows that every time he is in New York he has to face new challenges and that would be hard for him because he is not ready for them, that’s why he considers it an “assault”.
7. When the author finally settles in New York, where does he live? How does he approach life in the city?
When the author finally settles in New York he lives in an apartment on East51st Street between First and Second Avenues. He approached life in the city by trying to avoid it.
8. What do you think the author implies in the description of “two triumphant Brooklyn trees call Ailanthus” which “not only survived but thumbed their noses at the soft coal dust and nitric acid which passed for air in New York”?
In my opinion the author implies in the description is that not only human beings have to change and adapt to the environment of New York but also any kind of living organism and after that they get used to their new life style.
9. When does Steinbeck realize he has become a New Yorker?
Steinbeck realizes that he has become a New Yorker when he notices that he is not scared to face anything, he goes out with out trying to hide from anybody, he realizes that he is part of New York and that makes him a New Yorker.

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